Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Heart

The heart can do many things
It gives you life
But it can also take it away.
It can warm your body in the harshest of blizzards
And just as quickly,
Will make you colder than you can imagine.
the heart was invented for more.
It was made to recieve love,
but also give it.
To see the good in people,
and to treasure that.
The heart is strong.
Sometimes you have to make decisions with it
You will feel a waging war inside of you.
One between your heart and your mind.
It gives.
And it takes.
But most of all,
it would do anything.
For you.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

No Natural Occurance

I'm sad.
It's a mind process.
When you fall you get sad.
When your heart is broken you become sad.
Sadness is not a natural occurance,
something always brings it into our lives.
Now what if you can't help someone.
And that person happens to be,
someone you love very much.
Then sadness turns to sorrow.
You don't know how to help them,
but you know you'll do your best.
Because sadness cannot last forever,
and it's not a natural occurance.
you know everythings gonna be alright.
Because you love that person.
Oh so very much.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


What a beautiful thing.
It talks to us,
And it guides us.
It makes us help our people.
It can even make us kill them.
It has inspired the most beautiful paintings,
And the most creative sculptures.
It hurts us quickly,
And it can heal our souls.
Is a master of all things.